"Our Stories": Play Based Learning Activity

Since September of last year, my company has been fortunate to receive support from The Lego Foundation to bring Playful Learning projects to Buffalo! After months of planning and collaboration, I am thrilled to announce our partnership with the Buffalo Library, where our first project, "Our Stories," will find its home in the Merriweather Library.

"Our Stories" is an immersive and interactive experience designed to foster children's communication, comprehension, critical thinking, and creative skills. With lily pads as stepping stones, kids will embark on a journey, creating their own stories using the symbols they encounter along the way.

The main objective is to help children develop narrative skills and practice pretend play, which are known to enhance literacy skills. Additionally, we aim to foster strong relationships between caregivers and children while supporting children's overall skill development.

But that's not all! My vision extends beyond this project. I aspire to collaborate with stakeholders and developers to install multiple Playful Learning projects across Buffalo. Together, we can create a lasting impact and offer enriching educational experiences for children throughout our community.

Stay tuned for more updates as we continue to bring the joy of Playful Learning to Buffalo's young minds!


The Future is Amherst


Sharing Our View: Artists' Legacy Roundtable Discussion